White Label
Industry Applications

Suitable for a wide variety of industries
Each industry has very specific needs. For example, if your business handles sensitive medical or financial records then security should be your #1 priority to ensure PIPEDA compliance. Education Facilities and Development Studios have enormous amounts of data so routine backups and easy data recovery might be a higher priority.
One size does not fit all. Every sector in Canada faces unique challenges and therefore, should have a software provider that is able to meet those needs. See Canadian Cloud Backups’ tailored options below.
With a cloud-based solution, opportunities for growth and flexibility are everywhere:
- Clearer, more defined I.T. budget
- Reduced Hardware maintenance
- Eliminate any chance of data loss
- Maximize physical space by removing hardware needs
- Increased collaboration between production facility and headquarters
- Prompt availability of data
- Automatic backups let you focus on what is important
- Automotive
- Corporate
- Creative
- Developer
- Educational
- Financial
- Healthcare
- Investigative
- Legal
- Real Estate
- Retail
- Travel
Canadian Automotive Industry
The Canadian Automotive Industry is established, robust and leading the way in future manufacturing technologies, worldwide.
Whether involved in manufacturing, repairs, after-market upgrades or dealerships, Canadian Cloud Backup has tailored solutions for the Automotive Industry.
Benefits include off-site, secure collaboration with employees, contractors or third-party vendors. Creating more physical space by removing server hardware and supporting infrastructure needed to operate it. Complete Data Backup and Restore capabilities, never worry about your network vulnerabilities or RansomWare attacks again, simply erase all malicious code, restore to a previously working version and you are literally up and running again in a few hours.
Restore everything. Our software supports 16 different platforms, PC, OSX, Linux, Android, iOS so you don’t lose any data, even your emails and attachments will be restored.
Canadian Cloud Backup specializes in providing the Automotive sector custom backup solutions that are PIPEDA compliant ensuring your data stays in Canada.
Corporate Services
Canadian corporations are diverse and plentiful. Most are divisions of American or European companies that have set up shop to take advantage of our skilled workforce, low dollar and high quality of living.
Because of this Canadian corporations face many challenges. The amount of data an average corporation produces on a daily basis is rising exponentially. Documents, presentations, emails, marketing materials, attachments and project files for hundreds of staff can quickly occupy all available space on physical hard drives.
Canadian Cloud Backup specializes in providing Canadian corporations custom backup solutions that are PIPEDA compliant ensuring full legal compliance and your data stays in Canada.
However, if your data is subject to U.S. laws or is a subsidiary of an American company we are also HIPAA compliant making us a secure, wise choice for your data storage solutions.
Creative Design
Art & Design studios produce massive amounts of data. Everyday high-resolution files are created in multiple formats for clients and ongoing projects. With 4K resolution becoming standard, file sizes will continue to grow, putting your existing physical storage at capacity and risk of failure.
Storing data on a secure cloud gives your Art & Design studio numerous advantages such as: Being able to collaborate off-site with co-workers and freelancers. Having all your data, backed up, securely off-site ready to be restored at a moments notice, which is the best deterrent against RansomWare attacks. Freeing up valuable physical space in the office. Freeing up your I.T. specialists workload by allowing them to focus on proactive solutions that increase productivity.
With recent, high profile data breaches at companies like Sony Computer Entertainment, Adobe, and LinkedIn, can you afford to leave your company’s future to chance? Ensure your Art & Design studio’s future doesn’t fall victim to a malicious attack, human error or natural disaster by implementing a thorough and customized Data Backup and Restore solution provided by Canadian Cloud Backup.
Our custom backup solutions are PIPEDA and HIPAA compliant. We guarantee all of your sensitive data remains inside Canada and is encrypted both, in transfer and while at rest to AES 256-Bit Encryption making your data virtually indestructible.
Development Studios
Canada is home to countless development studios. From small application start-ups to world-renown production houses that make some of the worlds’ best titles, we are truly spoiled in the land of the North.
The amount of data a typical development studio produces surpasses most other industries due to the sheer scale of assets. Documents, shared working files, email volume, character models, environments, and of course the game engines or development environments themselves.
Canadian Cloud Backup specializes in providing Canadian development studios of all sizes custom backup solutions that are PIPEDA and HIPAA compliant ensuring full legal compliance and all of your data stays in Canada.
Canada is home to countless development studios. From small application start-ups to world-renown production houses that make some of the worlds’ best titles, we are truly spoiled in the land of the North.
The amount of data a typical development studio produces surpasses most other industries due to the sheer scale of assets. Documents, shared working files, email volume, character models, environments, and of course the game engines or development environments themselves.
Canadian Cloud Backup specializes in providing Canadian development studios of all sizes custom backup solutions that are PIPEDA and HIPAA compliant ensuring full legal compliance and all of your data stays in Canada.
Educational Institutions
The amount of data an educational facility generates continues to grow at an accelerated pace. With this growth, traditional methods of data backup (tape, CD/DVD, flash drive, external HDD) are becoming too slow and ultimately obsolete and as a result, many schools are making the switch to a cloud-based backup.
Since educational facilities are required by law to keep certain records available for extended periods of time it is imperative that said data be accessible, available, intact and secure.
Canadian Cloud Backup specializes in providing Canadian Learning Institution’s custom backup solutions that are PIPEDA and HIPAA compliant ensuring full legal compliance and your data always stays in Canada.
Financial Institutions
Belonging to a regulated industry also brings many challenges. Ensuring all client data is kept within Canada and on Canadian servers is becoming more and more important among the global backdrop of events.
Canadian Cloud Backup specializes in providing Canadian Banking Institutions custom backup solutions that are PIPEDA and HIPAA compliant ensuring full legal compliance and your data always stays in Canada.
Healthcare Providers
It is paramount that patient data can be easily shared, securely and be accessible even in the event of local system failure, after all, lives do depend on it.
Canadian Cloud Backup specializes in providing Canadian Health Care facilities and Private Clinics custom backup solutions that are PIPEDA and HIPAA compliant ensuring full legal adherence and your sensitive data always stays in Canada.
Criminal Investigation Agencies
Considering the importance of this data, methods for securely storing, sharing and retrieving it in case of system failure should be a paramount concern.
Contrary to popular belief, cloud storage is actually more secure than on-premises storage solutions, this is due to large providers, responsible for the cloud infrastructure, investing millions of dollars every year into upgrades, improvements, and certifications.
In-house I.T. professionals simply do not have the manpower, expertise or resources to provide protection on a similar level. These departments typically consist of 2 or 3 people who are too busy to focus on heightened security upgrades when most of their time is devoted to ensuring the network is functioning and addressing technical issues.
Canadian Cloud Backup specializes in providing Private Investigation firms and Police agencies custom backup solutions that are PIPEDA compliant. All servers are located within Canada ensuring your sensitive data never cross any borders and stays within Canada.
Legal Firms
When Canadian Legal firms are considering cloud storage it is important that all servers and systems are located within your legal jurisdiction.
Housing your sensitive client data in other countries such as the U.S., Ireland or China could save you a few dollars each month, however you (and your data) are now subject to their laws and regulations. Your information can be legally accessed, withheld and used without your consent.
Canadian Cloud Backup specializes in providing Canadian Legal Firms custom backup solutions that are PIPEDA and HIPAA compliant ensuring full legal compliance and your data stays in Canada.
Real Estate Agents & Companies
The Canadian Real Estate market is certainly experiencing a boom. Locations such as Vancouver and Toronto are quickly becoming hotbeds for foreign investments. New, large-scale developments are being announced every day and it seems the trend is likely to continue.
Real Estate firms must now act accordingly and store all documentation relating to sales, financing and tenant agreements. However, Real Estate agencies typically don’t have space, equipment, and expertise to properly manage a server. That is when a cloud-based storage solution works best. Off-site, virtual storage with instant access to all of your data, protection from disaster or malicious attack all included.
Canadian Cloud Backup specializes in providing Canadian Realtors custom backup solutions that are PIPEDA and HIPAA compliant ensuring full legal compliance and your data stays in Canada.
So what do you do with all this data? Storing on USB’s or external drives is a gamble, they can be easily lost, prone to damage and often not encrypted. Moving all your business information to the Cloud can free up local drive space in-house, allow access to virtually all data off-site (great for Managers) and most importantly encrypt all data and be able to easily restore your entire system in case of system failure, human error or worse RansomWare attack.
Canadian Cloud Backup specializes in providing small to medium sized retailers custom backup solutions that are PIPEDA and HIPAA compliant ensuring full legal compliance and your data stays in Canada.
Travel Industry
Having instant, secure access to your clients itinerary and sensitive travel documents are a necessity and in the event of human error, malicious attack or natural disaster having the ability to instantly recover and restore all files is the difference between survival and your business shutting down.
Canadian Cloud Backup specializes in providing Canadian Travel Agencies, Outriggers, and Group Charters custom backup solutions that are PIPEDA and HIPAA compliant ensuring full legal compliance and your data stays in Canada.
Data Availability
With higher levels of automation, a proportionate amount of data is required to execute and safely operate those automated tasks. This data must be readily available and backed up securely in the event of data loss, equipment failure, natural disaster or human error / malicious attack.
Assembly line shutdowns are not an option and no one likes to hear that they occurred simply because the information was not available or improper data was used by accident.
Canadian Cloud Backup also provides full access to all of your data over a web front end, giving you even more access to your backed up files.
Data Security and Compliance
Canadian Cloud Backup is both HIPAA and PIPEDA compliant.
Canadian Cloud Backup uses a three-tier encryption process. First, data is encrypted on the device using a military-grade, 256-bit AES encryption before ever being sent out. Once encrypted, data is sent over 128-bit Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). Once arriving at the cloud, it is then encrypted once again in 256-bit AES. Data is only ever created, received or transmitted when encrypted.
Canadian Cloud Backup’s Ultrasafe™ allows users with highly sensitive information to store their data securely such that no one, including Canadian Cloud Backup’s engineers, will be able to access their data.
Data Center and Transfer
Canadian Cloud Backup utilizes 100% Canadian data centers. We have also partnered with Peer1 to utilize a data center in Toronto. View information regarding our data centers. Furthermore, data during transit is never routed outside of the borders of Canada.
Canadian Cloud Backup (being HIPAA/PIPEDA compliant), can also be used to store integral documents (Engineering Documents, CAD files, Supply Chain) offsite to reduce the possibility of irreplaceable records being permanently lost. Should a disaster strike, you can restore all of your data quick and easy and get back to what’s important.