advantages of hybrid cloud explained

The sole purpose of a company cloud is to backup data for loss prevention. Every piece of data is stored to ensure that in the case of a disaster, the company can continue to operate successfully without having to start from scratch. Determining which cloud solution works best for an organization depends on different variables such as industry, sensitivity, control, and budget.  Companies that store highly confidential data undoubtedly require a private cloud in order to guarantee security and exclusivity. Although, the question still arises as how an organization can be more cost efficient when it comes to their cloud storage solution. In most cases, there undeniably is a combination of both high and low sensitive data on-premises. Let’s look at what a hybrid cloud solution is…

What is a Hybrid Cloud Solution?

With technology that allows the transport of data and applications from one cloud to another, the hybrid cloud solution exhibits efficiency. Hybrid clouds utilize both the private and public cloud elements and connects them together as one compounded solution. The private and public clouds communicate with one another through a secure encrypted connection. This allows a company to dictate which data will be stored on the specific cloud depending on the level of security control required.

For example, all confidential client information, business analytics, and financial data could be stored on the private cloud where the sole access is of the organization’s headquarters. All non-sensitive operations including newsletters, flyers, brochures, etc. could be stored on the public cloud which can be accessed from any suitable location by authorized users.

A hybrid cloud solution has the capabilities to adapt and facilitate the average workload of various companies. This allows an organization to maintain or even increase the level of operational demands with the confidence of performance and efficiency.

Advantages of Using a Hybrid Cloud Solution

A hybrid cloud solution circumstantially proves to be a favourable backup choice for many companies. Reliability and quality demonstrate the evident advantages:

Flexibility: The organization has the ability to configure and manage sensitive tasks internally while seamlessly utilizing the cost efficiency of a public cloud.

Cost: The Hybrid Cloud Solution allows companies to benefit from the savings of a public cloud and the features it provides while also discerningly investing in the resources of a private cloud when needed. Therefore, leveraging the key properties of both.

Easy Adoption: During the process of implementing a new cloud solution to an organization, a hybrid cloud is easy to introduce as a new or different cloud procedure. Personnel and even operational management can adopt the processes easily and safely.

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